
  • Public Activism and Displays

    We collaborate with individuals and Veteran communities to create unique visually expressive and socially relevant artworks. We believe there is remarkable value in coming together and making space to experience the deeply personal and transformative nature of art-making. The opportunity to create and be moved by art is a basic human right. We aim to create installations and large-scale collaborative artworks with and for Veterans to nurture a sense of greater purpose, belonging, and inspiration.

    Life On Earth Art staff and volunteers march in the Petaluma Veterans Parade holding a sign that says "Thank you veterans"
  • Veteran Art Workshops

    We provide access to the empowering and healing nature of art by collaborating with local Veteran Centers and communities to offer free on-site and off-site collective art-making, with the goal of amplifying voices, and strengthening the Veteran community through group art.

    Veteran wearing a mask holds up his hand-painted heart for a photograph.
  • Women Veterans

    We recognize and honor the commitment and sacrifice of all our nation’s veterans. We are especially devoted to supporting women Veterans as they persevere through traumas experienced while in service to their country. Through this work, women Veterans discover ways to regain their power and autonomy.

    Life on Earth Art's Veteran liaison Esaia, holding a Marine Corps heart.

Community Engagment

  • A colorful collection of soft pastels.

    Veteran Art Programs


    Life On Art was welcomed on a tour of the incredible art studios at the Veterans Home of California, Yountville. We have also viewed a virtual tour of the Veterans Art Project studios, based in San Diego. This organization offers instruction in ceramics, glass, drawing and painting, 3D design, and more— all free to Veterans. With a shared vision for supporting veteran artists, we have partnered with the Veterans Art Project and MHSOAC to create a Pop-up Art Café. Please join us at Sonoma County Veterans Art Day in September!

  • Veteran Tour of Unbound

    April 2023

    A group of veterans and veteran advocates attended a tour of Life On Art’s groundbreaking installation, Unbound, behind the locked gates of the Department of State Hospitals- Napa. They heard heart stories and learned about the program of art and healing that took place in the hospital and beyond its walls.

  • Windsor Veterans Village

    May 2023

    Our facilitators bring heartmaking workshops to Windsor Veterans Village, a supportive housing community for veterans. Through a process of gathering to create together, we aim to foster an increased sense of connection and belonging.


Past events

  • Man wearing a large winged heart street puppet.

    Veteran's Day Parade

    November 11, 2022

    Life On Art was proud to join the Petaluma Veterans Day Parade. We marched carrying six hearts painted with the insignias of each branch of the US military, as well as large winged heart puppets with articulated wings.

  • Group of people enjoying the gathering at Hella Positive

    Hella Positive

    November 2022

    Veterans gathered at Hella Positive’s “Happy Management” event in Oakland to share food, drink, and each other’s company while making art with our Life On Art facilitators. A wonderful time was had by all!

  • An art facilitator and a participant working together on a painting

    North Bay Vet Center

    February - April 2023

    Life On Art held weekly workshops at North Bay Vet Center, where participants came together to explore a wide variety of art media and techniques. In addition to paper mache and acrylic paint they learned mixed media processes that could be later applied to hearts, or stand on their own as finished art pieces.

  • Two women doing paper mache together.

    Celebrating Women Veterans Day

    June 11 2023

    A fun, creative gathering of women veterans painted paper maché winged hearts as part of a collective artwork by female veterans for the first Veterans Art Day in Sonoma County, Sept 23, 2023.

  • Large group photo from Sonoma County Veterans Art Day

    Sonoma County Veterans Art Day

    With a shared vision for supporting veteran artists, we partnered with the Veterans Art Project and MHSOAC to create a Pop-up Art Café. Sonoma County Veterans Art Day was held on September 23rd, 2023.

    With 18 exhibiting artists, Veteran Resource tables, a drum circle, two Veteran Bands, veteran artists sharing their stories about the transformative power of art, and activities for all ages, we made the first annual Sonoma County Veterans Art Day an event to remember.

    Special thanks goes to our event co-sponsors: The California Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, Veterans Art Project, and the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.

  • Sculpture of a paratrooper skeleton descending onto a Dia de los Muertos altar.

    Inbound: Surrounded by Love at the Museum of Sonoma County

    We are grateful to the over 200 people who participated in workshops over the last three months to make hojalatas dedicated to loved ones they have lost.

    This installation is dedicated to all men and women who dedicated themselves to serving others and protecting our rights and freedoms, often at great sacrifice.