At the Heart of It All: Righting the World

Young girl looking at The Activist Heart

At the Heart of It All: Righting the World honors the courageous activists who have lost their lives fighting for human and earth rights around the world. Since the beginning of 2018, over 500 activists have been murdered and countless more have been silenced through arrests, death threats, violent attacks or lawsuits.

Life On Art has constructed a 9 foot winged heart featuring the names of these fallen activists. All of them were targeted for working for a more just world; fighting for the ideals embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an historic document forged by the United Nations after the horrors of the Second World War. This document and its recent companion, The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth are inscribed on the hearts’ wings.

A handout at the exhibition highlighted crisis facing activists and the stories of seven inspiring activists.

To view the PDF in English, click here.  

To view the PDF in Spanish, click here.


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